危险的情人 A Dangerous Woman
危险的情人 A Dangerous Woman
危险的情人 A Dangerous Woman-导演: 史蒂芬·吉伦哈尔
危险的情人 A Dangerous Woman-编剧: Mary McGarry Morris , 妮奧美·芳娜 , Barbara Hershey
危险的情人 A Dangerous Woman-电影类型: 剧情 , 爱情
危险的情人 A Dangerous Woman-上映日期: 1993-09-10
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危险的情人 A Dangerous Woman-电影剧情介绍

  Martha Horgan is mentally slow. She lives with her aunt Frances. She is known for NEVER lying. This causes her to get fired from her job; she tells on 1 of the other store employees, Getso, for taking 20 dollars out of the cash register. The owner thinks MARTHA did it, her being mentally slow and all. Back at the house, Mackey, who does odd jobs hears that Frances needs a worke...

危险的情人 A Dangerous Woman-评论

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  • Yoyo

    Yoyo 2022-05-18 00:01:17


  • 🍄

    🍄 2021-01-08 18:13:37

    [cut] fetus jake at 06:03 - 06:48

  • 阿蚊

    阿蚊 2019-12-23 06:46:55

    齋睇張poster同裹句summary「The story of a woman no one noticed until it was too late.」以為同《Fatal Attraction》一個題材嘅電影,點知睇落去就會被呃咗,實情系講一個NEVER lying兼有精神障礙女性捲入謀殺案事件。女主Martha系乾洗店工作,無意中發現另一名員工Getso「穿櫃筒底」。佢如實向老細回報,卻被誣告導致被炒。Martha一次無意兼偶然將Getso刺死,其大可利用謊言逃脫罪行,但她拒絕的說謊,Martha「毀滅性」的誠實使她自己成為一個「危險的女人」。在一個不誠實的社會裡,maybe不能掩飾或說謊本身就是一種精神障礙…

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