
  • 欢迎光临娃娃屋 Welcome to the Dollhouse

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:托德·索伦兹   编剧:托德·索伦兹

    主演:希瑟·玛塔拉佐, Victoria Davis, Christina Brucato, 克里斯蒂娜·怀道尔

      多恩(希瑟·玛塔拉佐 Heather Matarazzo 饰)是一个非常平凡的青春期的女孩,样貌平平,也没有什么拿得出手的特长,扔在人堆里眨眼间就会消失。多恩一直觉得自己简直倒霉透顶,爸爸妈妈将注意力都放在工作和优秀的哥哥姐姐身上,对自己无暇顾及,而哥哥姐姐也觉得有这样一个普通的妹妹很没有面子,而对她冷言冷语。好不容易找到一个心仪的男生,却在鼓起勇气告白之后遭到了无情的拒绝。而反观自己周围的人,好像每一个人都过得比自己要快乐。

  • 飞歌电视剧场 The Philco Television Playhouse


    导演:   编剧:Robert Anderson


  • 浴室里的春天 Bathhouse

    类型:剧情, 同性

    导演:Crisaldo Pablo   编剧:Jet Alcantara

    主演:Jet Alcantara, Andoy Ranay, Raye Pumaloy

      The Gay Philippines
      Amos Lassen and Cinema Pride
      It seems that this month the Philippines is releasing a lot of gay movies. We have "Paper Dolls", "Circles" and now "Bathhouse". "Bathhouse" uses characters to tell the story of what gay life is in the Philippines.
      Those of us that have experiences bathhouses know that they are places where we can go for sex with no i...

  • 公寓 Boardinghouse


    导演:John Wintergate   编剧:

    主演:John Wintergate/ Kalassu/ Lindsay Freeman

  • 时间绿屋 The Greenhouse


    导演:Thomas Wilson-White   编剧:Thomas Wilson-White

    主演:朗达·芬德顿, Lincoln Vickery, Camilla Ah Kin

      The Greenhouse is a magic-realist drama that centres on the eldest child of two women, Beth, who discovers a portal into the past on their family property. On the cusp of her widowed mother Ruth's sixtieth birthday and the return of her dysfunctional siblings Drew, Doonie and Raf, Beth is swept away by visions of their idyllic childhood and re-lives the moments that defined her...

  • 疯人院十日 10 Days in a Madhouse

    类型:惊悚, 传记, 历史

    导演:Timothy Hines   编剧:Timothy Hines

    主演:Caroline Barry, Julia Chantrey, David Mitchum Brown, Alexandra Callas, Natalia Davidenko

      故事发生在1887年的纽约,描绘了一位名叫内莉(Caroline Barry 饰)的女记者,她为了在男性主导的新闻界证明自己的能力,接受了一个艰巨的任务,那就是调查布莱克威尔岛疯人院。为了深入了解真相,内莉采取了一种非常冒险的方法,即通过装疯卖傻的方式自愿进入疯人院展开调查。

  • Slaughterhouse: House of Whores 2.5


    导演:Daniel Murphy   编剧:Tom Komisar

    主演:Ember Burns, Jake Maxwell Chester, Courtney Clark, Eden Flesh, Riley Grey, Nurse Hatchet, Tom Komisar, Harry McCane, A.C. McCray, Lindsey McIntire

      The Clowns are back and this time its serious. While parked outside of Booties Bar and Grill in a stolen RV, our loveable Clowns witness the owner of Booties, Dick Dickerson as he sexually assaults one of his employees in his car. After Dick decides to push his side chick out of the car door and speed off, the Clowns abduct the girl and follow Dick home. Once at the Dickerson r...

  • 灯塔守护者 The Lighthouse Keeper

    类型:动画, 短片, 奇幻

    导演:David François, Rony Hotin, Jérémie Moreau, Baptiste Rogron, Gaelle Thierry, Mailys Vallade   编剧:



  • 芭比之梦想豪宅 第三季 Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse Season 3


    导演:   编剧:



  • 芭比之梦想豪宅 第六季 Barbie: Life In the Dreamhouse Season 6

    类型:动画, 儿童

    导演:Todd Resnick   编剧:Barbara Haynes

    主演:Kate Higgins, Haviland Stillwell, Katie Crown

      芭比是时尚偶像,她的家富丽堂皇,好朋友们和完美先生都为她着迷。 她样样精通,却依然谦逊而亲切,她不断鼓励她的朋友们直面任何挑战。这次在芭比的梦想豪宅中,又将上演怎样不可思议的故事呢?