漫长阴影 Alles Isy
漫长阴影 Alles Isy
漫长阴影 Alles Isy-导演: 马克·蒙海姆
漫长阴影 Alles Isy-编剧: 马克·蒙海姆 , Max Eipp
漫长阴影 Alles Isy-电影类型: 剧情
漫长阴影 Alles Isy-上映日期: 2018-07-04(德国)
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漫长阴影 Alles Isy-电影剧情介绍

  A group of teenagers is involved in a rape. As offenders, accomplices and victims. The crime seems to have no consequences, but it quickly becomes clear that not everyone feels guilt and shame. Dealing with the dept destroys friendships and hopes. While the mother of the victim piece by piece finds out that her daughter was raped, one of the offenders confesses the incredible a...

漫长阴影 Alles Isy-评论

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  • 尘光

    尘光 2022-04-05 12:58:42


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    用户764513799 2021-05-24 00:56:04


  • Arena

    Arena 2021-03-13 15:59:30


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