
  • 乖巧的小女孩 The Granddaughter's Model


    导演:Jean-Claude Roy   编剧:François de Bernis

    主演:Jessica Dorn, Marie-Georges Pascal, Cathy Reghin

      Modern erotic adaptation of the old story Based on the novel by la Contesse de Ségur
      In French : En 1970, pendant les grandes vacances. Quatre charmantes jeunes filles, Camille, Madeleine, Marguerite et Sophie, sont confiées par leurs parents à la pension de madame de Fleurville. Elles se retrouvent pour tout l'été dans un grand château de la région parisienne, bâti dans un vas...

  • 爱女之心 daughterland


    导演:Andrea Di Paola   编剧:


      P先生在等去米兰的火车,开始踏上寻找女儿的旅程。米兰很大,有可能很恐 怖。劳拉是一个成年人,也可能很恐怖。今天是劳拉的生日,所以P先生去米 兰看望她。P先生觉得给女儿买礼物十分重要,尤其是这次。但父女之间并不 熟悉,所以买什么对P先生来说是一个很大的难题。在P先生寻找最合适的礼 物的过程中,一个精彩绝伦的陌生城市展现在他眼前。到处都繁华热闹,声响 不断,色彩缤纷,P先生见到的一张张面孔都好像是自己脑海中许多版本的女 儿模样。虽然每件礼物都很好,但P先生都觉得不够完美。米兰很大,但可能 很吓人。劳拉是一个成年人,也可能很吓人。

  • 媳妇的逆袭 큰엄마의 미친봉고

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:白承焕 Paek Seung Hwan   编剧:白承焕

    主演:黄锡晶, 金佳恩, Ju-Jeong Young, 赵达焕, 郑英珠, 郑在光, 河静敏, 宋东焕

      One holiday, the eldest daughter-in-law who picked up the keys to the van, escapes with her daughters-in-law one by one without her husband knowing

  • 漂流的夜 夜の流れ


    导演:川岛雄三, 成濑巳喜男   编剧:井手俊郎, 松山善三, 川岛雄三, 成濑巳喜男

    主演:市原悦子, 大塚国男, 北川町子, 中丸忠雄, 村上冬树, 北村和夫, 盐泽登代路, 幸田良子, 长冈辉子, 冈田真澄, 司叶子, 山田五十铃, 宝田明, 三桥达也, 白川由美, 志村乔, 水谷八重子, 草笛光子, 三益爱子, 越路吹雪, 音羽久米子, 星由里子, 三条利喜江

      A woman and her daughter are in love with the same man, a chef at the restaurant that the mother manages. He is slightly crippled from frostbite in his years in Siberian labor camps and considers himself “already dead.”

  • 盗车女孩 Hotwired in Suburbia


    导演:杰森·伯格   编剧:Paul A. Birkett

    主演:泰勒·海涅斯, 杰克·曼利, 坦娅·克拉克, 李康宁, Zoë Belkin, 迈克尔·迪克森, Samantha Helt, Eddie G., Stephane Garneau-Monten, Rj Copan

      A widowed mother must help her teenage daughter escape a life of crime after she becomes embroiled in a dangerous scheme to steal luxury cars for her high school teacher.

  • 人母 Motherly


    导演:克雷格·大卫·华莱士   编剧:克雷格·大卫·华莱士, Ian Malone

    主演:Lora Burke, Tessa Kozma, Kristen MacCulloch, Nick Smyth, Colin Paradine, Angel Gallego, Laura Tremblay

      A mother and her daughter under threat in an isolated farmhouse.

  • 牙仙3 Tooth Fairy: The Last Extraction


    导演:Louisa Warren   编剧:Tom Jolliffe

    主演:Anthony Howes, Andrew Rolfe, 安妮·诺克斯

      Corey and his daughter, Sally, decide to go on a summer break with friends, Diane, Christy, Toby and Benny. Little do they know, Corey's past is going to catch up to him.

  • 哀悼巢穴 The Nest


    导演:James Suttles   编剧:Jennifer Trudrung

    主演:迪·沃伦斯, Sarah Navratil, Kevin Patrick Murphy

      As a mother becomes suspicious that her daughter may be infected by a parasitic creature, she is thrust into a nightmare as the people she trusts most push her into a chasm of drug addiction, self-destruction, and devastating sacrifice.

  • Hanteringen av odöda

    类型:剧情, 悬疑, 恐怖

    导演:Thea Hvistendahl   编剧:约翰·艾维德·林德奎斯特

    主演:雷娜特·赖因斯夫, 安德斯·丹尼尔森·李, 比约恩·桑德奎斯特, 巴哈·帕斯, 本特·博瑟姆

      Follows three families, each having a tragic loss. Mahler and his daughter Anna mourn the too early passing of his grandson. Tora says her final goodbye to her wife and a family of four faces a life without a wife and mother.

  • 吉隆贡 Jailangkung


    导演:黎刹·曼托瓦尼, Jose Poernomo   编剧:Baskoro Adi Wuryanto

    主演:汉娜·阿尔·拉希德, Augie Fantinus, Wulan Guritno, Jefri Nichol, Gabriella Quinlyn, Amanda Rawles, Lukman Sardi

      The daughter who tries to figure out the mystery behind her father's tragic incident with the help of a puppet ghost, Jailangkung.