漫漫长夜 The Long Night
漫漫长夜 The Long Night
漫漫长夜 The Long Night-导演: 安纳托尔·李维克
漫漫长夜 The Long Night-编剧: 约翰·韦克斯利
漫漫长夜 The Long Night-电影类型: 剧情 , 爱情 , 惊悚 , 犯罪 , 黑色电影
漫漫长夜 The Long Night-上映日期: 1947-05-28
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漫漫长夜 The Long Night-电影剧情介绍

  The credits fade onto a blind man tapping his way down the sidewalk,he enters a dingy boarding house and hears a shot fired in one of the upstairs bedrooms. A door opens from audience POV. A man tumbles out of the door and falls, slides and slithers down two flights of stairs and is dead when he hits the bottom. Then follows nearly 100 minutes of flashback and flashbacks-within...

漫漫长夜 The Long Night-电影演员表

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漫漫长夜 The Long Night-评论

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  • Grace

    Grace 2023-08-14 00:02:07


  • 似水沧海

    似水沧海 2023-08-10 16:04:27


  • 三斗米道

    三斗米道 2023-05-28 03:13:41

    一个经不起情敌挑衅的脆弱男人在失落情绪中迷失挣扎着度过漫长的夜 普莱斯咄咄逼人的煽动性说辞发挥的真是妙不可言!

漫漫长夜 The Long Night 电影-相关推荐

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      The credits fade onto a blind man tapping his way down the sidewalk,he enters a dingy boarding house

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