谁是母亲 Baby M
谁是母亲 Baby M
谁是母亲 Baby M-导演: James Steven Sadwith
谁是母亲 Baby M-编剧: James Steven Sadwith
谁是母亲 Baby M-电影类型: 剧情
谁是母亲 Baby M-上映日期: 1988-05-22(美国)
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谁是母亲 Baby M-电影剧情介绍

  A childless couple enlists the help of a woman to be their surrogate for their first child. What ensues changes their lives and laws of surrogacy.
  When Bill and Betsy Stern ask MaryBeth Whitehead to bear a surrogate child for them, it seems like a perfect arrangement. But little do they realize that MaryBeth will refuse to surrender her new born daughter. There are no laws gove...

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