
  • 狗生 Dogborn


    导演:Isabella Carbonell   编剧:Isabella Carbonell

    主演:Silvana Imam, Philip Oros, Emma Lu, Mia Liu, Henrik Norlén, Lukas Malinauskas, Hannes Meidal

      Homeless and invisible - the Twins are constantly struggling to survive. Sister is a ticking time bomb; her screams are loud. Brother, on the other hand, doesn't speak, but rather screams inward.

  • 狼嚎:重生 The Howling: Reborn


    导演:Joe Nimziki   编剧:Joe Nimziki, James Robert Johnston

    主演:Lindsey Shaw, Ivana Milicevic, Landon Liboiron

      On the eve of his high school graduation, Will Kidman (Liboiron) finally looks up from his books to catch the eye of the girl he’s longed for the last four years the mysterious Eliana Wynter (Shaw).
      He’s always been the shy kid, flying under the radar, but when he discovers a dark secret from his past that he is heir to a powerful line of werewolves he finds he has a choice to...

  • P.R.O.B.E.: The Devil of Winterborne

    类型:惊悚, 恐怖, 犯罪

    导演:Bill Baggs   编剧:马克·加蒂斯

    主演:Caroline John, 里斯·谢尔史密斯, 路易丝·詹姆森, 彼得·戴维森, 马克·加蒂斯

      Doctor Liz Shaw, one-time companion of the Doctor at UNIT, is called upon to head a small team, P.R.O.B.E., to investigate strange happenings throughout the country. When she is called in to find the truth about the brutal murder of a retired headmaster she finds evidence of satanic rites near the murder scene. She soon discovers a web of deceit and corruption that extends back...

  • BBC 地平线 亚特兰蒂斯重生 BBC Horizon Atlantis Reborn Again

    类型:纪录片, 历史

    导演:   编剧:Chris Hale

    主演:Dilly Barlow

  • 空降 Airborne

    类型:惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:Dominic Burns   编剧:Paul Chronnell

    主演:Mark Hamill, Julian Glover, Sebastian Street


  • 热泪伤痕 Dolores Claiborne

    类型:剧情, 悬疑, 惊悚

    导演:泰勒·海克福德   编剧:斯蒂芬·金, 托尼·吉尔罗伊

    主演:凯西·贝茨, 克里斯托弗·普卢默, 大卫·斯特雷泽恩, 詹妮弗·杰森·李, 朱迪·帕瑞福特, 约翰·C·赖利

      疗养院的老太太薇拉连人带轮椅滚下了楼梯,当场毙命。护理她的保姆桃乐丝(凯西•贝茨 Kathy Bates 饰)手持凶器站在旁边。桃乐丝是唯一的嫌疑人。原来,桃乐丝是薇拉雇佣了40年的女佣,由于她饱受主人的责骂和变态要求,所以这起案件很容易被导向怀恨在心、伺机报复的谋杀。警方一直想把她定罪,判处她20年徒刑。这个案子惊动了桃乐丝远在纽约做记者的女儿莎琳娜(詹妮弗•杰森•李 Jennifer Jason Leigh 饰)。她亲自参与案件的追踪,再度与离散多年的母亲重逢,共同生活了几日。这令她不得不回首阴暗往事,而桃乐丝也总是恍然回忆起女儿小时候的样子。与此同时,一个恶魔般的身影也随之被记忆唤醒。那是她的丈夫,经常对她实施暴力。在忍无可忍之际,她做出了最后的反击……

  • 惊天悍将 Airborne


    导演:Julian Grant (II)   编剧:Julian Grant, Tony Johnston

    主演:斯蒂夫·古根伯格, 金·寇兹, 托蕊·海金森, 肖恩·宾

      Bill McNeil heads a black ops team called "Mach 1" called in to retrieve a cannister of deadly viral agent which was stolen from the go vernment by an arms dealer. The team retrieve the weapon but the team is setup. Bill knows a traitor is behind things.
      疑云密布 病毒危机一触即发
      重重圈套 调查人员绝路逢生

  • 孵花 A Rose Reborn


    导演:朴赞郁   编剧:朴赞郁, 藤谷文子, 丁正勋

    主演:吴彦祖, 杰克·休斯顿


  • 婴魂不散 The Unborn


    导演:Tal Lazar   编剧:Danny Matier

    主演:Manni L. Perez, Chris Bellant, Clifton Samuels, 杰西·R·坦德勒, Dameka Hayes, Carys McGrory, Brian David Tracy, J. Richey Nash, Asher Edgecliffe-Johnson, Deborah Stile


  • Overdose of Gore: Crime born Crime


    导演:Alex Wesley   编剧:Alex Wesley

    主演:Alex Wesley