Room 101
Room 101
Room 101-导演:
Room 101-编剧:
Room 101-主演: Nick Hancock , Paul Merton
Room 101-电影类型: 喜剧 , Talk-Show
Room 101-上映日期: 1994
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Room 101-电影剧情介绍

  Room 101 was a BBC comedy television series based on the radio series of the same name, in which celebrities were invited to discuss their pet hates and persuade the host to consign them to a fate worse than death in Room 101, named after the torture room in the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, which is itself named after a meeting room in the BBC Broadcasting House where Orwell wou...

Room 101-电影演员表

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Room 101-评论

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  • 几根佩毛

    几根佩毛 2022-07-28 14:01:26


  • 亞幾

    亞幾 2021-04-14 14:05:46


  • 橙子换马甲

    橙子换马甲 2021-02-20 14:10:02

    看了reg的s02e05,大概是94-95年?他看起来还比较接近manic-depression的manic那头== 又看了炸叔那期…他喜欢kathy burke… 也许他只是想向自己证明胖子也有胖子的美…?

Room 101 电影-相关推荐

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      Room 101 was a BBC comedy television series based on the radio series of the same name, in which celebrities

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