红色接吻 Rouge baiser
红色接吻 Rouge baiser
红色接吻 Rouge baiser-导演: 薇拉·贝尔蒙
红色接吻 Rouge baiser-电影类型: 剧情
红色接吻 Rouge baiser-上映日期: 1985-11-27
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红色接吻 Rouge baiser-电影剧情介绍

  1952, Paris. Nadia, a Red Diaper baby, has a sister, Polish parents, and at 15 is an active Communist. When cops beat her during an anti-American demonstration, she's rescued by a "Match" photographer. As the friendship becomes a love affair and her slogans are tested by new knowledge and emotion, some of the Red youth want to expel her. When she goes with Stéphane to a seaside...

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      1952, Paris. Nadia, a Red Diaper baby, has a sister, Polish parents, and at 15 is an active Communist. When cops beat her during an anti-American demonstration, she's rescued by a "Match" photographer. As the friendship becomes a love affair and her slogans are tested by new knowledge and emotion, some of the Red youth want to expel her. When she goes with Stéphane to a seaside...

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