
  • 不只是姐姐 more than sisters

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 情色

    导演:Shaun Costello   编剧:Shaun Costello

    主演:Lynn Stevens, 杰米·吉利斯, Colleen Anderson, 埃里克·爱德华兹, Shaun Costello, 罗伯特·科尔曼, 玛琳·薇洛比, Roger Caine, Erica Havens, 无


  • 露露修女 sister lulu

    类型:喜剧, 爱情, 恐怖, 短片

    导演:phil john   编剧:Philip John

    主演:Joanne McQuinn, Siwan Morris

      年轻的女孩诺维丝(Siwan Morris 斯万•莫瑞斯 饰)被强迫送入修道院当修女,修女们将她的衣服脱光,扔到水池里洗去罪恶。从此,诺维丝过上了枯燥乏味且压抑人性的修道生活。终于有一天,诺维丝不堪忍受,撞墙自杀。
      侥幸逃脱一死的诺维丝在露露修女(Joanne McQuinn 乔安•麦柯奎恩 饰)的保护下逃离修道院,然而却又沦为居心叵测的露露修女的性奴。嫉妒愤怒的诺维丝决定杀死控制自己的露露修女,重获自由,然而……

  • 新灰姑娘 Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister (TV)

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 爱情, 荒诞

    导演:Gavin Millar   编剧:吉恩 昆塔诺 (Gene Quintano), Gregory Maguire


      A look at the classic "Cinderella" story from the perspective of one of her 'ugly' stepsisters, based on the novel by Gregory Maguire.

  • 鬼女艾拉 Ayla

    类型:科幻, 惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:Elias   编剧:Elias

    主演:迪·沃伦斯, Nicholas Wilder, 崔斯坦·瑞斯克

      A man haunted by the mysterious death of his 4-year-old sister brings her back to life thirty years later as an adult woman, with dire consequences.

  • 没有加布里埃拉·费里的生活 Elu ilma Gabriella Ferrita

    类型:喜剧, 爱情, 动画, 短片

    导演:皮特·帕恩   编剧:


      Dramatic story about love, locked doors, faceless thief, wounded stork, lost laptop and virtual prostitutes O’Key sisters... There is no Gabriella Ferri but there is almost happy end.

  • 我出去买包烟 Je sors acheter des cigarettes

    类型:剧情, 动画, 短片

    导演:Osman Cerfon   编剧:Osman Cerfon

    主演:泰奥·范·德·伍尔德, Manon Bresch, Valentin Gevraise, Delphine Rollin

      Jonathan, twelve years old, lives with his sister, his mother and also some men. They all have the same face and nest in closets, drawers, TV set ...

  • 噩梦岛 The Slayer

    类型:悬疑, 恐怖

    导演:J.S. Cardone   编剧:

    主演:Sarah Kendall, Frederick Flynn, Carol Kottenbrook

      Siblings, Eric & his surreal artist sister Kay, her doctor husband David, her sister-in-law Brooke along with pilot Marsh become stranded on a rugged isle face off against a supernatural beast drawn to Kay who dreams of its killings

  • 零一 Zero One

    类型:剧情, 同性

    导演:Nick Neon   编剧:Nick Neon

    主演:Taylor Bloom, J.J. Mattise

      Jimmy Park is visiting home for the first time in years and has nothing to show for his time living overseas in Seoul. But old tensions come to a head when he confronts his homophobic sister at a family dinner.

  • 简欲征友 Jane Wants a Boyfriend

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 爱情

    导演:William Sullivan   编剧:Jarret F. Kerr

    主演:Eliza Dushku, Louisa Krause, Gabriel Ebert, Polly Draper, Amir Arison

      A young woman with Asperger's tries to find her first boyfriend with a little help from her older sister.

  • 恐惧暗夜 Fear the Night

    类型:动作, 惊悚

    导演:尼尔·拉布特   编剧:尼尔·拉布特

    主演:李美琪, 詹姆斯·卡佩内罗, Ito Aghayere, 海蒂·关

      Follows Iraqi war veteran Tes, as she prepares to strike back after a group of home invaders attack during her sister's bachelorette party, and she discovers that they are hellbent on not leaving any witnesses behind.