魔界舞男 Trick or Treat
魔界舞男 Trick or Treat
上映日期: 1986-10-24
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魔界舞男 Trick or Treat-电影剧情介绍

  A bullied teenage boy is devastated after the death of his heavy metal idol, Sammi Curr. But as Hallowe'en night approaches, he discovers that he may be the only one who can stop Sammi from making a Satanic comeback from beyond the grave.

魔界舞男 Trick or Treat-评论

全部(6) >
  • bluejingling

    bluejingling 2021-03-23 06:52:02


  • 中二妹系少年

    中二妹系少年 2020-12-29 17:00:29


  • UlyssesJo

    UlyssesJo 2019-11-16 04:20:56

    。。。80s heavy metal killer 只能说好这口的肯定爱死

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