万圣节惊魂夜 Trick or Treats
万圣节惊魂夜 Trick or Treats
分类: 恐怖
上映日期: 1982-10-29
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万圣节惊魂夜 Trick or Treats-电影剧情介绍

  Five years after his wife, Joan, had him wrongfully and delibarately committed to a mental institution so she could live with her boyfriend, Malcolm escapes on Halloween night and arrives back at his old house to murder her, except Joan is not home but she's out with her boyfriend while babysitter Linda is looking after Malcolm's 10-year-old son Christopher, an equally psychoti...

万圣节惊魂夜 Trick or Treats-电影演员表

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万圣节惊魂夜 Trick or Treats-评论

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  • szm

    szm 2021-05-13 02:41:59


  • 发际线靠后

    发际线靠后 2020-11-30 13:40:47


  • UlyssesJo

    UlyssesJo 2020-10-27 00:10:54

    万圣节题材仿作 姑且算喜剧了 简直无聊到我头大…David Carradine有出现一会儿

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