Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Painter
Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Painter
Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Painter-导演: Marion Cajori
Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Painter-编剧:
Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Painter-主演: Joan Mitchell
Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Painter-电影类型: 纪录片
Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Painter-上映日期: 1993
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Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Painter-电影剧情介绍

  A powerful and intimate portrait, JOAN MITCHELL: PORTRAIT OF AN ABSTRACT PAINTER captures Mitchell's independent spirit and testifies eloquently to Mitchell's art. One of the great abstract painters of the 20th century, Mitchell was an active participant of New York's dynamic Abstract Expressionist scene and hung out with fellow painters Franz Kline, Willem de Kooning and Phili...

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