面孔遗忘症 Prosopagnosia
面孔遗忘症 Prosopagnosia
面孔遗忘症 Prosopagnosia-导演: Steven Fraser
面孔遗忘症 Prosopagnosia-编剧:
面孔遗忘症 Prosopagnosia-主演:
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面孔遗忘症 Prosopagnosia-上映日期: 2021-08-22(英国)
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面孔遗忘症 Prosopagnosia-电影剧情介绍

  Filmmaker Steven Fraser lives with prosopagnosia, otherwise known as “face blindness,” which means he can’t remember or recognize faces. In this film, he uses stop-motion animation, cassette tapes, sketchbooks, photos, and diary extracts to convey his feelings about this.
  He uses sketches of faces as a way of understanding what people look like. Even with this coping mechanism,...

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面孔遗忘症 Prosopagnosia 电影-相关推荐

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