人间苦种 Bitter Seeds
人间苦种 Bitter Seeds
人间苦种 Bitter Seeds-导演: Micha X. Peled
人间苦种 Bitter Seeds-编剧:
人间苦种 Bitter Seeds-主演:
人间苦种 Bitter Seeds-电影类型: 纪录片
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人间苦种 Bitter Seeds-电影剧情介绍

  India has more farmers than any country in the world, and they are in a crisis that is unprecedented in human history. Every 30 minutes a farmer in India kills himself in despair. In a village at the center of the suicide epidemic, a farmer and his family struggle to keep his land and a teenage girl makes her first steps to become a journalist and tell the world about the crisi...

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      India has more farmers than any country in the world, and they are in a crisis that is unprecedented in human history. Every 30 minutes a farmer in India kills himself in despair. In a village at the center of the suicide epidemic, a farmer and his family struggle to keep his land and a teenage girl makes her first steps to become a journalist and tell the world about the crisi...

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