糖:苦涩的真相 Sugar: The Bitter Truth

糖:苦涩的真相 Sugar: The Bitter Truth

上映日期: 2009-07-30
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糖:苦涩的真相 Sugar: The Bitter Truth-电影剧情介绍

  《糖:苦涩的真相 Sugar: The Bitter Truth》于2009-07-30上映。是由University of California Television执导, 由Robert H. Lustig担任主编, 演员Robert H. Lustig主演的《糖:苦涩的真相 Sugar: The Bitter Truth》电影。

  Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin.

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