兔头男 Bunnyman
兔头男 Bunnyman
兔头男 Bunnyman|导演: Carl Lindbergh
兔头男 Bunnyman|编剧: Carl Lindbergh
兔头男 Bunnyman|电影类型: 恐怖
兔头男 Bunnyman|上映日期:
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兔头男 Bunnyman-电影剧情介绍

  Driving through the remote regions of Southern California, a group of friends are forced into a sickening game of cat and mouse, with a five ton dump truck. When looking for help, they stumble upon a family of cannibals, who take pleasure dismembering and eating as many of the kids as possible.
  The lucky few who escape, now must answer to the head of the cannibalistic family, a...

兔头男 Bunnyman-评论

全部(17) >
  • LonelyLove

    LonelyLove 2021-08-08 12:26:06


  • Roger Federer

    Roger Federer 2021-07-28 17:22:53

    夕阳下落寞的背影 是秃头男逝去的青春

  • 找大腿求抱

    找大腿求抱 2021-05-15 08:42:19


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