
  • 黑超警探 Truck Turner

    类型:动作片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Jonathan Kaplan, Leigh Chapman   编剧:Michael Allin

    主演:Isaac Hayes, Yaphet Kotto, Alan Weeks, Annazette Chase

      After months of searching, I finally caught up with the Isaac Hayes blaxploitation hit Truck Turner

  • 冰激凌车 The Ice Cream Truck

    类型:喜剧片电影, 悬疑片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Megan Freels Johnston   编剧:Megan Freels Johnston

    主演:迪安娜·罗素, 埃米尔·约翰森, John Redlinger

      Mary moves back to her suburban hometown, to find that the suburbs are scarier in more ways than she ever remembered.

  • 食品车大作战 Food Truck Battle


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:南太铉, 披纳若·苏潘平佑, 李永钦, 琪洽·安玛达雅混, 朴誉恩

      综艺节目《Food Truck Battle》于7月16号在泰国电视频道PPTV播出。该节目由TEN李永钦担任MC,成员们分为红蓝两个队伍经营餐车,来竞争销售额,最终的菜品会在7-11售卖。

  • 最后一辆车:通用王国的破产 The Last Truck: Closing of a GM Plant

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:史蒂文·博格纳尔, 朱莉娅·赖克特   编剧:史蒂文·博格纳尔, 朱莉娅·赖克特

    主演:Popeye Hurst, Kim Clay, Kate Geiger, Kathe Day, Joyce Gilbert, Louis Carter, Darlene Henson, Rick Stacy, Kevin Claypool, Dana Baker

      The inside story of the last days of a General Motors plant in Moraine, Ohio, as lived by the people who worked the line.

  • 三百英里天堂 300 mil do nieba


    导演:Maciej Dejczer   编剧:采扎里·哈拉西摩威奇

    主演:Rafal Zimowski, Wojciech Klata, Kama Kowalewska

      Based on a true story dating back to 1985 when two Polish boys, a teenager and his little brother, escaped from communist Poland all the way to Sweden, hidden under a truck. In the movie, their destination has been changed to Denmark.

  • 受骗的人 Al-Makhdu'un


    导演:陶菲克·萨利赫   编剧:Ghassan Kanafani, Tewfik Saleh


      Set in Iraq (but shot in Syria), this is the story of three men who try to leave their impoverished and hopeless lives to get get work in Kuwait. They hire a water-truck.driver to transport them illegally across the border in the tank of his truck...

  • 这些日子中的一天 One of These Days


    导演:巴斯蒂安·京特   编剧:巴斯蒂安·京特

    主演:考莉·埃尔南德斯, 乔·科尔, 卡丽·普雷斯顿

      In the Texan “Hands on a Hardbody” competition, contestants stand around a new pickup truck.for days, touching it with one hand. Whoever holds out the longest wins the truck. A psychological portrait of poverty, wealth and despair.