X星来客 The Man from Planet X
X星来客 The Man from Planet X
X星来客 The Man from Planet X-导演: 埃德加·G·乌默
X星来客 The Man from Planet X-编剧: Aubrey Wisberg , Jack Pollexfen
X星来客 The Man from Planet X-主演: Robert Clarke , Margaret Field , Raymond Bond
X星来客 The Man from Planet X-电影类型: 爱情 , 科幻 , 恐怖
X星来客 The Man from Planet X-上映日期: 1951-04-27
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X星来客 The Man from Planet X-电影剧情介绍

  One of the five sci-fi's I remember every single detail of from my earliest days as a fan. For the genre, I think it's considerably above average. The moor is nicely atmospheric. There's one of every character in the book: the good guy, the bad guy, the local sheriff, the lovely damsel, her father the old professor, etc. The scene where we're looking for the first time through ...

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