
  • 一分钟人 Minutemen

    类型:喜剧, 家庭, 冒险

    导演:Lev L. Spiro   编剧:John Killoran

    主演:杰森·多雷, 切尔茜·斯托布, 卢克·本沃德, 尼可拉斯·博朗, 史蒂夫·R·麦奎因

      Jason Dolley of Disney Channel's hit comedy series "Cory in the House" stars in "Minutemen," a comedy/sci-fi/adventure about three high school kids who invent a time machine to spare others just like them from the humiliation they've endured.

  • 黑洞 The Black Hole


    导演:约瑟夫·科辛斯基   编剧:特拉维斯·比彻姆, 乔·斯派茨


      A "reimagining" of the 1979 sci-fi film about a crew that finds a lost ship inside a black hole.

  • 盲视 Blindsight


    导演:Danil Krivoruchko   编剧:Viktoriya Yakubova


      Blindsight is a short film created by a collaborative group of designers and artists, and directed by Danil Krivoruchko. The film is based on the eponymous sci-fi novel by Peter Watts.

  • 神秘博士60周年特别篇 Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Celebration

    类型:剧情, 科幻, 冒险

    导演:瑞秋·塔拉蕾   编剧:拉塞尔·T·戴维斯

    主演:舒提·盖特瓦, 雅斯敏·芬尼, 大卫·田纳特, 凯瑟琳·塔特, 尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯, 伯纳德·克理宾斯, 卡尔·柯林斯

      David Tennant and Catherine Tate are to return to Doctor Who, the BBC has confirmed.
      The pair are currently filming for the sci-fi show's 60th anniversary, which it will celebrate in 2023.

  • To the Moon


    导演:劳瑞·安德森, Hsin-Chien Huang   编剧:


      To the Moon uses images and tropes from Greek mythology, literature, science, sci-fi space movies and politics to create an imaginary and dark new moon.

  • 禁区:外星绑架 Alien Abduction: Intimate Secrets

    类型:恐怖, 同性

    导演:Lucian S. Diamonde   编剧:Vernon Lumley

    主演:Alice Balaianu, Darcy DeMoss, Meredyth Holmes, 琵雅·雷耶斯, Dimitrii Bogomaz, Carmen Lacatus, Alina Chivulescu, Floriela Grappini, Florin Chiriac, Valentin Lucia, Laura Ilica, Constantin Barbulescu

      In this erotic sci-fi adventure, three beautiful women find themselves unwilling subjects of an alien scientist's sexy experiments.

  • 突变-湮没 Mutation - Annihilation

    类型:悬疑, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:Timo Rose   编剧:

    主演:Timo Rose, Andreas Pape, Thomas Kercmar

      The two sequels to Timo Rose's Mutation, condensed into one feature length horror/sci-fi epic with added digital effects.

  • 开/关 On/Off

    类型:剧情, 科幻, 短片

    导演:Simon M. Valentine   编剧:Simon M. Valentine

    主演:塔利亚·桑德维克·莫尔, Jenny Ellegård, Trim Balaj

      A meditative sci-fi drama portraying the relationship between an AI-robot and his human girlfriend.

  • 船长斯巴基与飞碟 Captain Sparky vs. The Flying Saucers

    类型:动画, 短片, 冒险

    导演:Mark Waring   编剧:Derek Frey

    主演:Charlie Tahan

      Victor plays one of his homemade sci-fi movies where his dog Sparky in its rockership must battle hostile flying saucers in space.

  • 飞出个未来 第十一季 Futurama Season 11

    类型:喜剧, 科幻, 动画, 冒险

    导演:   编剧:


      While delivering pizza on New Year's Eve 1999, Philip J. Fry is accidentally cryonically frozen and thawed out one thousand years into the future. From the creator of "The Simpsons," "Futurama" is a sci-fi animated comedy.

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