母女情深 She Kept Asking for the Moon

母女情深 She Kept Asking for the Moon

上映日期: 1984-09-21
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母女情深 She Kept Asking for the Moon-电影剧情介绍

  《母女情深 She Kept Asking for the Moon》于1984-09-21上映。是由斯特凡·乌赫尔执导, 由Emilia Zimková, 斯特凡·乌赫尔, Slavomír Rosenberg等担任主编, 演员Anton Naciniak, Mikulás Las, Karel Riegel等主演的《母女情深 She Kept Asking for the Moon》是一部剧情, 喜剧, 爱情类型电影。

  A tragicomic story from a rural setting was based on the collection of short stories by Milka Zimkova, who was also cast in the lead role. The lives of Johana Ovsena and her illegitimate daughter Pavlína seem to copy each other. Johana, a single mother, watches her daughter make the same mistake as she herself had made in the past. The makers of the film had very good knowledge...

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