人生简历 Lebensläufe
人生简历 Lebensläufe
人生简历 Lebensläufe-导演: 温弗里德•荣格
人生简历 Lebensläufe-编剧:
人生简历 Lebensläufe-主演:
人生简历 Lebensläufe-电影类型: 纪录片
人生简历 Lebensläufe-上映日期: 1981
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人生简历 Lebensläufe-电影剧情介绍

  "The long term documentary by Winfried Junge consists of a series of nine biographical sketches of school children from the East German town of Golzow presented through their own observations and comments."
  Winfried Junge was born July 19, 1935, in Berlin. After finishing school in 1953, he started to study German philology at the college of education at Berlin's Humboldt Unive...

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