狗及其各种优点 Les chiens et ses services

狗及其各种优点 Les chiens et ses services

上映日期: 1908-01-04
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狗及其各种优点 Les chiens et ses services-电影剧情介绍

  《狗及其各种优点 Les chiens et ses services》于1908-01-04上的《狗及其各种优点 Les chiens et ses services》是一部纪录片, 短片类型电影。

  We see a working dog, a beggar's dog, a shepherd's dog, and a milkman's dog. The working dog is locked inside a large wire wheel; the dog runs inside the wheel, turning it to run a machine. The beggar's dog pulls its legless master, who's sitting on a low cart, down the street. The shepherd's dog keeps a flock of at least 20 sheep in a tight circle. The milkman's dog pulls a ca...

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  • Mannialanck

    Mannialanck 2023-11-18 02:51:10


  • 馋猫麦昆

    馋猫麦昆 2023-11-11 01:32:17


  • Amarantine

    Amarantine 2023-09-20 00:11:21


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