
  • 兽王伏魔2:穿越时空之门 Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time

    类型:动作, 科幻, 奇幻, 冒险

    导演:Sylvio Tabet   编剧:安德丽·诺顿, Doug Miles, Jim Wynorski

    主演:马克·辛格, 卡瑞·伍尔, 莎拉·道格拉斯, 维林斯·豪塞尔

  • The Puppetmaster


    导演:Bill Zebub   编剧:

    主演:米丝蒂·蒙达伊, Scarlett Storm, Lydia Lael

      In this society, puppets and humans live in harmony, but that is polite fiction. Iconoclastic director, Bill Zebub, set out to make an absurd movie that hid wisdom in foolishness. Erin Brown, also known as Misty Mundae in some circles, stars alongside Lydia Lael in a strange film that you can enjoy without trying to delve deeper into the meaning. There is no correct interpretat...

  • 红衣喇嘛 shaolin red master


    导演:宋廷美   编剧:陈朱煌

    主演:张翼, 戚冠军, 龙飞


  • Taskmaster Season 1


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Greg Davies, Alex Horne, Roisin Conaty, Tim Key, Frank Skinner, 乔什·维迪科姆, Romesh Ranganathan

      Greg Davies and his assistant Alex Horne challenge five comedians to compete in a series of wacky and funny challenges, to win back their own possessions that they have forfeited. From making a music video for a nursery rhyme to obtaining information from a Swedish man, Taskmaster is a face-paced and hilarious show.

  • 兽王伏魔3 Beastmaster 3: The Eye of Braxus

    类型:动作, 奇幻, 冒险

    导演:加布里埃尔·博蒙特   编剧:唐·柯斯卡莱利, Paul Pepperman

    主演:马克·辛格, 托尼·托德, 桑德拉·海丝


  • 悬丝 1 Cremaster 1


    导演:马修·巴尼   编剧:马修·巴尼

    主演:马缇·多米尼森, 杰玛·布尔顿·史密斯, 凯瑟琳·克雷波


  • 维米尔-光线大师 Vermeer - master of light


    导演:Joseph J. Krakora   编剧:Joseph J. Krakora, Ellen Bryant


  • 恶魔咆哮 Wishmaster

    类型:恐怖, 奇幻

    导演:罗伯特库兹曼   编剧:彼得·阿特金斯

    主演:Tammy Lauren, Andrew Divoff, Robert Englund, Wendy Benson-Landes

      一千年后,起重机驾驶员无意中打破一尊雕像,藏在其中的红宝石重见天日。宝石鉴定专家亚利桑德拉(Tammy Lauren 饰)阴差阳错释放了宝石中的邪恶精灵。化身为英俊绅士的精灵视亚利桑德拉为主人,并答应帮其实现三个愿望……

  • Taskmaster Season 12

    类型:喜剧, 真人秀

    导演:亚历克斯·霍恩   编剧:

    主演:格雷格·戴维斯, 亚历克斯·霍恩 Alex Horne, 艾伦·戴维斯, Desiree Burch, 古兹·可汗, Morgana Robinson, Victoria Coren Mitchell

  • 校监游戏 The Schoolmaster Games

    类型:剧情, 情色, 同性, 奇幻

    导演:Ylva Forner   编剧:Kristofer Folkhammar

    主演:Christian Arnold, Johan Ehn, Johan Charles, Simon Kling, Nino Forss, Joel Valois, Arvin Kananian

      It is set at the Saint Sebastian Academy, an all-male school where homosexuality is the norm.