布兰登国王 Brandon Roi
布兰登国王 Brandon Roi
布兰登国王 Brandon Roi-导演: Romain Jaccoud
布兰登国王 Brandon Roi-编剧: Romain Jaccoud
布兰登国王 Brandon Roi-主演: Clément Courgeon , Wendell Cardoso
布兰登国王 Brandon Roi-电影类型: 短片
布兰登国王 Brandon Roi-上映日期: 2022-08-05(洛迦诺电影节)
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布兰登国王 Brandon Roi-电影剧情介绍

  In the heart of a valley surrounded by mountains, we hear a motorcycle engine roar. It’s Brandon, a fighter who travels to a quarry, the workplace of his friend Steve, a former fighter turned factory worker.

布兰登国王 Brandon Roi-电影演员表

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