
  • 美国斗士 american fighter

    类型:动作, 运动

    导演:Shaun Paul Piccinino   编剧:Carl Morris, Shaun Paul Piccinino

    主演:Tommy Flanagan, George Kosturos

      A desperate teenager is forced into the dangerous world of underground fighting to win enough money to save his ailing mother. He finds out what he's made of in the face of these violent hungry competitors.

  • 勇者无畏 Starfighter - Sie wollten den Himmel erobern

    类型:剧情, 动作

    导演:Miguel Alexandre   编剧:Dominik Frankowski, Kit Hopkins, Thilo Röscheisen

    主演:Picco von Groote, Steve Windolf, Frederick Lau, Alice Dwyer, Paula Kalenberg, Christoph Schechinger, Josephin Busch

      Young pilots of the German Air Force only want to fly the new Starfighter. But after a short time, more and more pilots crash and die - and the German government and the air force cover up these incidents.

  • 枪手 The Gunfighter

    类型:剧情, 西部

    导演:亨利·金   编剧:安德烈·德·托特, 纽纳利·约翰逊, 威廉·鲍尔斯

    主演:格利高里·派克, 海伦·维斯特考特, 米勒德·米切尔, 简·帕克, 卡尔·莫尔登


  • 笼中斗兽 Cagefighter: Worlds Collide

    类型:剧情, 动作, 运动

    导演:Jesse Quinones   编剧:Jesse Quinones

    主演:吉娜·格申, 迈克尔·加·怀特, 米歇尔·雷恩

      Cagefighter follows mixed martial arts champion Reiss (Herdman) who unexpectedly loses a heavily promoted match to Randy Stone, a WWE star who is making his crossover debut in the MMA fighting world.

  • Grandmother Firefighter Kills Anyone Who Masturbates

    类型:惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:   编剧:


  • 斗鸡人 Cockfighter


    导演:蒙特·赫尔曼   编剧:查尔斯·威尔福特

    主演:沃伦·奥茨, 哈利·戴恩·斯坦通, 米莉·佩金斯

      Frank Mansfield has wanted to win the Cockfighter of the Year medal for ages. Frank never speaks. After shooting his mouth off one too many times then losing a champion rooster in a casual hotel room cockfight, he swore never to speak again until he's won that award... He makes a bet with old crony Jack to be settled at the upcoming meet. Frank puts his car and his trailer on t...

  • 果然夺得锦标归 The Prizefighter and the Lady

    类型:喜剧, 爱情, 犯罪

    导演:Howard Hawks, W.S. Van Dyke   编剧:约翰·李·马辛, 约翰·米汉

    主演:玛娜·洛伊, 马克斯·贝尔

      Steve is just a heavy duty bartender when Edwin J. Bennett, known as the Professor, starts training him for the ring. While doing road work, he is almost killed by a speeding car which crashes into a ditch. In the car is Belle Mercer and her driver. Steve takes Belle to a farmhouse and is smitten by her, but she is Willie Ryan's girl. The fight is a breeze and later, Steve agai...

  • 火枪手 The Gunfighter

    类型:喜剧, 短片, 西部

    导演:埃里克·基萨克   编剧:凯文·滕林

    主演:Keith Biondi, 尼克·奥弗曼, 肖恩·帕森, 斯科特·比纳, Brace Harris, Eileen O'Connell, 乔丹·布莱克, Timothy Brennen, Travis Lincoln Cox, Schoen Hodges, Circus-Szalewski, Chet Nelson

      正午时分,烈日灼人。美国某个西部小镇,疲惫不堪的火枪手(肖恩·帕森斯 Shawn Parsons 饰)历经长途跋涉,推门走入一家人声鼎沸的小酒馆。从他进来的那一刻,神烦的画外音就随之响起,画外音透露了火枪手的心境,同时也点明了亨德森兄弟正试图为了巨额赏金杀掉火枪手。一开始火枪手超级厌恶没完没了的画外音,而当听说亨德森兄弟的计划时,酒馆内的气氛顿时变得紧张起来。亨德森的计划全都被画外音泄露,甚至他们和火枪手心中的小秘密都被对方吐露而出,这可令双方无比尴尬。

  • 拳击传奇 Prizefighter: The Life of Jem Belcher


    导演:Daniel Graham   编剧:马特·霍金斯

    主演:马特·霍金斯, 罗素·克劳, 雷·温斯顿, 马尔顿·索克斯, 乔迪·梅


  • 最后的星空战士 The Last Starfighter

    类型:动作, 科幻, 家庭, 奇幻, 冒险

    导演:尼克·卡斯特尔   编剧:Jonathan R. Betuel

    主演:兰斯·盖斯特, 丹·奥赫里奇, 凯瑟琳·玛丽·斯图尔特, 芭芭拉·博松, 诺曼·斯诺

      艾利克斯(兰斯·盖斯特 Lance Guest 饰)生活在一个特殊的家庭之中,头脑十分灵活的他是一名电子游戏高手,可是虽然在游戏世界里艾利克斯能够叱咤风云,但在现实中,他申请奖学金却遭到了学校的拒绝。

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