
  • 漫画家,民主的步兵 Caricaturistes, fantassins de la démocratie


    导演:Stéphanie Valloatto   编剧:Stéphanie Valloatto, 拉杜·米哈伊列亚努

    主演:Pi San, Eric Fottorino, Baki Boukhalfa, Malek, , Plantu, Mikhail Zlatkovsky, Damien Glez, Michel Kichka

      12 lovable lunatics, capturing the comic and tragic in all four corners of the earth: cartoonists who risk their lives to defend democracy, with a smile on their faces and a pencil as their only weapon.

  • 为什么我们有创意:蜈蚣的困境 Why Are We Creative: The Centipede's Dilemma


    导演:赫尔曼恩·瓦斯科   编剧:

    主演:玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇, , Mariya Alyokhina, 劳瑞·安德森, Blixa Bargeld, 比约克, 大卫·鲍伊, 史蒂芬·霍金, 安吉丽娜·朱莉

      As part of a personal quest, for over 30 years director Hermann Vaske filmed the world's most intriguing artists and thinkers, including over 50 luminaries, among them Academy Award and Nobel Prize winners, from the fields of visual art, music, acting, philosophy, politics, business and science, posing the question: "Why are you creative?" Vaske's subjects include: D...

  • 鸟巢:赫尔佐格和德梅隆在中国 Bird's Nest - Herzog & De Meuron in China


    导演:Christoph Schaub, Michael Schindhelm   编剧:Christoph Schaub

    主演:Pierre De Meuron, Jacques Herzog,

      Superstar architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron must negotiate between two cultures, two architectural traditions, and two political systems to build the new National Stadium for the Olympics in Beijing. Bird's Nest, available exclusively via Amazon Unbox.
      - Written by Anonymous

  • 花好月圆 Flower Good Moon Round


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:刘德军, 刘沙沙, , 赵德海, 魏强, 左小祖咒, 王凯, 肖青山

      The story about two dissidents kidnapped by secret police in Beijing, and people's comments and discussion on this incident.

  • 中国当代艺术


    导演:Huang, Weixian, Tan, Lek Hwa   编剧:

    主演:遲鵬, 繆曉春, 馮夢波, 計文於&朱衛兵, 費大為, 蒋朔, 尹坤, 武明中, 何汶玦, 俸正杰, 張曉剛, 周春芽, 馮鐘云, 楊勁松, 毛旭輝, 龐永傑, 王廣義, 余友涵, 方力鈞, 岳敏君,

      ‘85新潮運動,是中國當代藝術擺脫社會主義束縛的分水嶺。 1989年轟動一時的「越界,中國先鋒藝術」展覽會, 走在時代前端的中國先鋒派藝術家大膽地創新和標新立異, 這是中國當代藝術發展的里程碑。 他們的創作征服了世界。
      從北京到雲南,這批藝術家或繪畫、或雕刻、或攝影, 把他們眼中所見的中國,化為一件件藝術。 或幽默,或諷刺,如岳敏君所繪的<處決>, 描繪三個僅著內褲的男子,在面臨槍決前,仍笑得樂不可支。 這幾位當代藝術師把中國近代的歷史事件化為藝術作品, 不僅獲得國際藝術界的肯定,更重要的是他們代表了中國的覺醒, 現代的一輩將他們的所知所聞化為藝術, 讓世人都明白中國已從睡夢中甦醒!

  • Great Artists in Their Own Words


    导演:Nick Tanner   编剧:Nick Tanner, Lulu Valentine, Nico Wasserman

    主演:, 萨尔瓦多·达利, 达明安·赫斯特, 安迪·沃霍尔

      In the first episode of the series, this programme unlocks the BBC archives to tell the story of the birth of modern art, in the words of the artists who created a cultural revolution - from the startling innovations of Picasso to the explosion of colour in the paintings of Matisse, to LS Lowry's industrial cityscapes and the often shocking work of surrealists like Max Ernst, M...