Great Artists in Their Own Words
Great Artists in Their Own Words
分类: 纪录片
上映日期: 2013-05-08(英国)
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Great Artists in Their Own Words-电影剧情介绍

  In the first episode of the series, this programme unlocks the BBC archives to tell the story of the birth of modern art, in the words of the artists who created a cultural revolution - from the startling innovations of Picasso to the explosion of colour in the paintings of Matisse, to LS Lowry's industrial cityscapes and the often shocking work of surrealists like Max Ernst, M...

Great Artists in Their Own Words-电影演员表

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    在National Gallery Minimalism的展中看到艾未未的一亿颗陶瓷瓜子 作品的意义是艺术家赋予的 一万个人有一万种解读 但景德镇的工艺是无与伦比的

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      之后,马拉(梅根·卡瓦纳芙 Megan Cavanagh 饰)等一干得力干将的加入让球队的实力瞬间增强,在几次挫折之后,沃尔特的“娘子军”逐渐得到了体育界的认可。可是,就在这样的关键时刻,棒球队里却发生了内讧,马拉和基特离队,沃尔特也产生了放弃的想法。就在这时,多利远赴战场的丈夫鲍勃(比尔·普尔曼 Bill Pullman 饰)的归来让棒球队看到了新的希望。
