
  • 太阳之谜 The Sun


    导演:BBC   编剧:


      近年来,苏活号和追踪号卫星以及瑞典太阳望远镜的Las Palmas, 都提供了一些太阳的图像, 有关只在日蚀期间可被观察的太阳光环。这个节目探讨太阳如何影响地球的重大科学发现,它每秒钟所释放的能量足够人类使用百万年。它仍是我们未来唯一的希望。

  • 平行世界,平行生命 Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives

    类型:纪录片, 音乐, 传记

    导演:BBC   编剧:

    主演:Mark Oliver Everett

      美国Eels乐队的一名歌手Mark Oliver Everett将为你讲述他的天才父亲的传奇悲剧人生和神奇经历。他的父亲曾在24岁发表了一篇"多重世界"的物理论文,震惊了全世界,但物理学界并不买账,他的父亲只能放弃了量子物理学。现在这件事被认为是物理学界最严重的悲剧之一 ,他的理论如此超前以至于当时的人无法理解,50年后的今天人们才证明了他的理论...

  • 达尔文的奋斗-物种进化 Darwin's Struggle-the evolution of the Origin of Species


    导演:BBC   编剧:Jeremy Bristow


      Documentary telling the little-known story of how Darwin came to write his great masterpiece, On the Origin of Species, a book which explains the wonderful variety of the natural world as emerging out of death and the struggle of life.
      In the twenty years he took to develop a brilliant idea into a revolutionary book, Darwin went through a personal struggle every bit as turbulen...

  • 地平线系列:彻底隔离 Horizon: Total Isolation


    导演:BBC HORIZON   编剧:



  • 自己动手做: Rough Trade 故事 Do It Yourself - The Story Of Rough Trade


    导演:BBC   编剧:BBC


      The Rough Trade story begins more than thirty years ago on 20th February 1976. Britain was in the grip of an IRA bombing campaign; a future prime minister was beginning to make her mark on middle England, where punk was yet to run amok; and a young Cambridge graduate called Geoff Travis opened a new shop at 202 Kensington Park Road, just off Ladbroke Grove in West London. The R...

  • 地平线系列:我喝太多了吗? Horizon: Do I Drink Too Much?


    导演:BBC   编剧:

    主演:John Marsden


  • BBC 妮可拉·罗伯茨 晒黑皮肤的真相 BBC Nicola Roberts The Truth About Tanning


    导演:BBC   编剧:

    主演:Nicola Roberts

      Since Shooting To Fame In 2002 As One Fifth Of One Of Girls Aloud, Nicola Roberts Has Had To Deal With Life Under The Spotlight. As A Result, Everyone Seems To Have An Opinion About Her Fashion, Hairstyles And Her Naturally Pale Complexion.
      In This Documentary, Nicola Goes On A Personal Journey To Explore The Culture Of Tanning Amo...

  • 解密安妮·李斯特 Revealing Anne Lister with Sue Perkins

    类型:纪录片, 同性

    导演:BBC   编剧:

    主演:Sue Perkins

      The world of early 19th century England is usually seen through the eyes of Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters. Sue Perkins explores a dramatically different version of this world, as lived and recorded by the remarkable Anne Lister.
      Anne was born in Halifax in 1791. A Yorkshire landowner, she was a polymath, autodidact and traveller who kept a detailed diary. Running to more t...

  • 里克·斯坦的西班牙式圣诞节 Rick Stein's Spanish Christmas


    导演:BBC   编剧:


      Rick Stein believes that no-one celebrates Christmas in greater style than the Spanish where the celebrations last for over a fortnight and the dishes they prepare are delicious alternatives to the usual Christmas fare.

  • 世界上对女人最危险的地方 The World's Most Dangerous Place For Women


    导演:BBC   编剧:

    主演:Judith Wanga

      Twenty-three-year-old Judith Wanga grew up in London but was born thousands of miles away in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Sent away by her parents to live in Britain as a small child, she's now returning to Congo - two decades later - to meet them for the first time.
      She wants to understand the childhood she missed and the country she was forced to leave. After reuniting w...

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