诱惑 Seduction
诱惑 Seduction
诱惑 Seduction-导演: Peque Gallaga
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诱惑 Seduction-电影剧情介绍

  RAM (Richard Gutierrez) is a struggling fireman down on his luck. He gets suspended from his job pending investigation into their operations. This happens while moving heaven and earth to find money for his fathers kidney transplant where he himself is going to be the donor.

诱惑 Seduction-评论

全部(4) >
  • 仰望星空

    仰望星空 2020-09-13 20:36:22


  • 百元粉红

    百元粉红 2020-04-19 01:28:51


  • bluejingling

    bluejingling 2019-03-20 11:04:04


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