厄勒克特拉,比方说 Par exemple, Electre

厄勒克特拉,比方说 Par exemple, Electre

厄勒克特拉,比方说 Par exemple, Electre-导演: 珍妮·巴利巴尔 Jeanne Balibar, 皮埃尔·雷昂
厄勒克特拉,比方说 Par exemple, Electre-编剧: 让娜·巴利巴尔, 皮埃尔·雷昂
厄勒克特拉,比方说 Par exemple, Electre-电影类型:
厄勒克特拉,比方说 Par exemple, Electre-上映日期: 2013-01-20(法国)
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厄勒克特拉,比方说 Par exemple, Electre-电影剧情介绍

  《厄勒克特拉,比方说 Par exemple, Electre》于2013-01-20(法国)上映。是由珍妮·巴利巴尔 Jeanne Balibar, 皮埃尔·雷昂执导, 由让娜·巴利巴尔, 皮埃尔·雷昂担任主编, 演员爱迪丝·斯考博, Evelyne Didi, 让娜·巴利巴尔等主演的《厄勒克特拉,比方说 Par exemple, Electre》电影。

  Balibar, well-known as an actress and singer, left none of her talents unused in her directing debut. In this eclectic homage to Greek tragedy, Balibar and Léon are free of any convention. With a cameo by Barbet Schroeder.
  Jeanne Balibar and Pierre Léon roam in tourist outfits through Paris and prepare a play with a producer who keeps changing her clothes. In a parallel world, ...

厄勒克特拉,比方说 Par exemple, Electre-评论

全部(3) >
  • 十万

    十万 2022-08-30 12:57:04

    很好玩的片子,可以再看,话痨片走神无数,pierre leon和jeanne都来了

  • 运茶船

    运茶船 2021-12-19 04:52:54

    O you who, after many a year, have deigned thus to gladden my eyes by your return, do not, now that you have seen me in all my woe... #avec Mathieu #117

  • PortaBubbleJoe

    PortaBubbleJoe 2021-04-25 03:27:40


厄勒克特拉,比方说 Par exemple, Electre 电影-相关推荐
