绳缚少女 The Rope Maiden
绳缚少女 The Rope Maiden
绳缚少女 The Rope Maiden-导演: Guy Pearce
绳缚少女 The Rope Maiden-编剧: Guy Pearce
绳缚少女 The Rope Maiden-主演:
绳缚少女 The Rope Maiden-电影类型: 喜剧 , 恐怖 , 短片
绳缚少女 The Rope Maiden-上映日期: 2013-09-18(英国)
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绳缚少女 The Rope Maiden-电影剧情介绍

  A man holds a woman in his dungeon, ties her up and suspends her from the ceiling. He then goes through the do's and don'ts of making a snuff film.

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