不当行为 Improper Conduct
不当行为 Improper Conduct
不当行为 Improper Conduct-导演: Jag Mundhra
不当行为 Improper Conduct-编剧: 卡尔·奥斯丁 , 杰各·曼德拉
不当行为 Improper Conduct-主演: Steven Bauer , Tahnee Welch , John Laughlin , Nia Peeples
不当行为 Improper Conduct-电影类型: 动作 , 惊悚
不当行为 Improper Conduct-上映日期: 1995-01-01
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不当行为 Improper Conduct-电影剧情介绍

  The Chairman of an advertising company announces the new corporate manager at the company Christmas party - his son-in-law. This is a nightmare to the long time employees, but the nightmare increases when he sexually harasses the good looking women in the company. But after he assaults one in an elevator, she decides to fight back. Hiring an attorney, she takes him to court - a...

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