秃鹰之血 Yawar mallku
秃鹰之血 Yawar mallku
秃鹰之血 Yawar mallku-导演: 豪尔赫·圣希内斯
秃鹰之血 Yawar mallku-编剧: 豪尔赫·圣希内斯 , Óscar Soria
秃鹰之血 Yawar mallku-电影类型: 剧情 , 犯罪
秃鹰之血 Yawar mallku-上映日期: 1969-11-20
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秃鹰之血 Yawar mallku-电影剧情介绍

  "The Bolivian fiction feature Yawar Mallku is one of the most famous examples of Latin American militant cinema. Like most of these American militant films, this one was made on a modest budget in spite of major obstacles. Bolivia has no significant filmmaking traditions or facilities. Mules had to be used to transport the filmmakers and their equipment to a high and remote Ind...

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秃鹰之血 Yawar mallku 电影-相关推荐

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      "The Bolivian fiction feature Yawar Mallku is one of the most famous examples of Latin American militant

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    His best-known film is Yawar Mallku (Blood of the Condor) (1968), a scathing look at the terrible effects
