第一朵花 First Flower
第一朵花 First Flower
第一朵花 First Flower-导演: Doug Hamilton
第一朵花 First Flower-编剧:
第一朵花 First Flower-主演: 列维·施瑞博尔
第一朵花 First Flower-电影类型: 纪录片
第一朵花 First Flower-上映日期: 2007-04-01
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第一朵花 First Flower-电影剧情介绍

  Although flowers have long been at the center of human life, the question of how flowers evolved has long baffled scientists. But now a tantalizing fossil that bloomed during the reign of the dinosaurs has surfaced in China. In First Flower, NOVA probes the controversy ignited by this unique fossil, and pursues the trail through the stunning lost world of China's remote Hengdua...

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