模拟之海 El océano analogo
模拟之海 El océano analogo
模拟之海 El océano analogo-导演: Luis Macías
模拟之海 El océano analogo-编剧:
模拟之海 El océano analogo-主演:
模拟之海 El océano analogo-电影类型:
模拟之海 El océano analogo-上映日期: 2022-01-26(鹿特丹电影节)
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模拟之海 El océano analogo-电影剧情介绍

  “The ocean is the only crossing to reach Mount Analogue. Through each wave, which breaks into each of the primary colours, a gateway opens to a new perception...”. First piece of a short film series, inspired by the pre-Hispanic myth of the Sixth Sun.

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