脆弱国度 Delicate State
脆弱国度 Delicate State
脆弱国度 Delicate State-导演: 宝拉·罗兹
脆弱国度 Delicate State-编剧: 宝拉·罗兹
脆弱国度 Delicate State-电影类型: 剧情
脆弱国度 Delicate State-上映日期: 2021(美国), 2022-01-04(加拿大)
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脆弱国度 Delicate State-电影剧情介绍

  Shot over the course of their actual pregnancy with cast doubling as 2-man crew, Paula and Charlie document their impending parenthood during a time of extreme political division. Their heads remain in the sand about the greater world around them until it upends their privileged life. Now they face a situation Instagram never prepared them for, but that women all over the world...

脆弱国度 Delicate State-评论

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  • @大月半子

    @大月半子 2020-08-29 07:14:48


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