搜寻阿尔泰米西娅 Michael Palin’s Quest for Artemisia

搜寻阿尔泰米西娅 Michael Palin’s Quest for Artemisia

导演: Eleanor Yule
类型: 纪录片电影
上映日期: 2015-12-28
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搜寻阿尔泰米西娅 Michael Palin’s Quest for Artemisia-电影剧情介绍

  《搜寻阿尔泰米西娅 Michael Palin’s Quest for Artemisia》于2015-12-28上映。是由Eleanor Yule执导, 演员Michael Palin主演的《搜寻阿尔泰米西娅 Michael Palin’s Quest for Artemisia》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  Curious about a powerful but violent painting that caught his eye, Michael Palin sets off on a quest to discover the astonishing story of the forgotten female artist who painted it over 400 years ago. Travelling to Italy in search of Artemisia Gentileschi's tale, Michael encounters her work in Florence, Rome and Naples.
  Michael unearths not only her paintings but a complex life...

搜寻阿尔泰米西娅 Michael Palin’s Quest for Artemisia-电影演员表

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搜寻阿尔泰米西娅 Michael Palin’s Quest for Artemisia 电影-相关推荐
