黑鹰密令 Black Eagle
黑鹰密令 Black Eagle
上映日期: 1988-09-13
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黑鹰密令 Black Eagle-电影剧情介绍

  CIA agent must outrace KGB agent in searching of super weapon lost in Mediterranean.
  One of the US Air Force's most modern tactical aircraft, an F-111 Aardvark with a new laser guidance system, crashes into the sea near Malta - a region where the Soviet forces are highly present, too. The CIA immediately sends out their best secret agent, Ken Tami, to salvage the system before ...

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      CIA agent must outrace KGB agent in searching of super weapon lost in Mediterranean.
      One of the US Air Force's most modern tactical aircraft, an F-111 Aardvark with a new laser guidance system, crashes into the sea near Malta - a region where the Soviet forces are highly present, too. The CIA immediately sends out their best secret agent, Ken Tami, to salvage the system before ...

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