看不见的对手 Unsichtbare Gegner
看不见的对手 Unsichtbare Gegner
看不见的对手 Unsichtbare Gegner-导演: Valie Export
看不见的对手 Unsichtbare Gegner-编剧: 瓦莉·艾丝波特 , Peter Weibel
看不见的对手 Unsichtbare Gegner-主演: Susanne Widl , Peter Weibel , Josef Plavec
看不见的对手 Unsichtbare Gegner-电影类型: 科幻 , 恐怖
看不见的对手 Unsichtbare Gegner-上映日期: 1976
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看不见的对手 Unsichtbare Gegner-电影剧情介绍

  Breaking free of conventional unities of body, space and time, this early feature by one of Europe's leading feminist filmmakers is a haunting excursion into psychic disintegration and crumbling identity. It loosely covers one year in the life of Anna, a young Viennese photographer increasingly convinced that the Hyksos, a hostile alien force, are invading people's bodies and r...

看不见的对手 Unsichtbare Gegner-电影演员表

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看不见的对手 Unsichtbare Gegner-评论

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  • Romi

    Romi 2023-11-09 18:09:41

    Valie Export的作品,犹如夜晚天空中升起的镁光照明弹,照亮了第三波女权主义运动里被遮蔽的风景。后现代的阴暗和朦胧霎时变成一片奇异和灿烂。

  • 克莉丝汀

    克莉丝汀 2023-10-29 05:09:16


  • Eat Oranges

    Eat Oranges 2023-09-16 04:02:30


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