魔鬼门徒 The Devil's Disciple
魔鬼门徒 The Devil's Disciple
魔鬼门徒 The Devil's Disciple-导演: 盖伊·汉弥尔顿 , 亚历山大·麦肯德里克
魔鬼门徒 The Devil's Disciple-编剧: John Dighton , Roland Kibbee
魔鬼门徒 The Devil's Disciple-主演: 伯特·兰卡斯特 , 柯克·道格拉斯 , 劳伦斯·奥利弗
魔鬼门徒 The Devil's Disciple-电影类型: 喜剧 , 战争
魔鬼门徒 The Devil's Disciple-上映日期: 1959-08-21
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魔鬼门徒 The Devil's Disciple-电影剧情介绍

  In a small New England town during the American War of Independence, Dick Dudgeon, a revolutionary American Puritan, is mistaken for local minister Rev. Anthony Anderson and arrested by the British. Dick discovers himself incapable of accusing another human to suffer and continues to masquerade as the reverend. The minister's wife, Judith, is moved by Dick's actions and mistake...

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魔鬼门徒 The Devil's Disciple 电影-相关推荐

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      In a small New England town during the American War of Independence, Dick Dudgeon, a revolutionary

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      Whilst in Cornwall Holmes is approached by the local vicar to determine how Brenda Tregennis died whilst

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      A savvy city girl is hired to sugar an earnest farm boy into a business deal, but loses her heart.

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      亚马逊将投拍原创惊悚剧《时刻》(The Devil’s Hour,暂译)。

  • 魔鬼之足 The Devil's Foot

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    Here's one I actually enjoyed since we get to see Holmes investigating the murders.

  • 恶魔之门 Devil's Gate

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  • 魔鬼的银矿 The Devil's Miner

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      在这里,人们信仰上帝,可是一旦进入矿坑,就必需祭祀 — 堤欧,对矿工来说,他们寻求双重的保佑力量,外界光明的世界属於上帝,在矿坑里,十字架就留在矿坑外面,矿坑深处是属於 -- 堤欧的世界

  • 与魔鬼同行 The Devil's Own

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  • 魔鬼绳结 Devil's Knot

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      故事根据马拉·莱维瑞特(Mara Leveritt)的同名小说改编,源自“西孟菲斯三人帮”的真实事件。即1993年美国阿肯色州一起骇人听闻的谋杀案背后的故事:1993年5月5日晩,阿肯色州西孟菲斯一個小鎮的3名8岁男孩失踪,3名“不良青年”小杰西·密斯凯利(Jessie Misskelley Jr.)、达米安·埃科尔斯(Damien Echols)以及贾森·鲍德温(Jason Baldwin)被认定为嫌疑犯,并被关押18年之久。2011年8月,在18年的牢狱生活后,“西孟菲斯三人帮”被释放。

  • 魔鬼的细节 The Devil's In The Details

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      7 minutes from now in Nogales, Arizona. Thomas Conrad's life will forever change when he gets caught up in a Mexican cartels poetic game of drug mule chess.
