中国柜里 Inside the Chinese Closet
中国柜里 Inside the Chinese Closet
中国柜里 Inside the Chinese Closet-导演: Sophia Luvarà
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中国柜里 Inside the Chinese Closet-电影剧情介绍

  Andy’s father knows that his son is gay but, determined to conform to social conventions, he urges him to find a lesbian who is willing to marry him. Cherry has already entered into a bogus marriage, but now her parents expect their only daughter to provide them with a grandchild so that they can finally put an end to their neighbours’ gossiping. In China, gay men and lesbians ...

中国柜里 Inside the Chinese Closet-电影演员表

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中国柜里 Inside the Chinese Closet-评论

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  • 鴍諌🌈

    鴍諌🌈 2021-11-19 01:38:43

    人权电影节。意外围观了映后访谈,看着导演一问三不知也是秘制尴尬。72分钟导演试图用urban gay和rural les的平行叙事切入到整个中国LGBT群体共同的问题,可是只是这浮光掠影地匆匆一瞥,实在让人无法产生共鸣。只是一部新闻报道的水准,虽然题材讨巧也不掩内容空洞 @IFC_CENTER

  • 寒节

    寒节 2021-09-17 01:51:16


  • 豆友3011868

    豆友3011868 2021-06-07 16:23:33

    被人批評得體無完膚,看了一下還好。我覺得是大家都預設了這類主題就應該是tragedy,結果導演把它給拍成了farce,你們不高興。但其實這本來就是個鬧劇,我還老給逗笑。形婚本來就是對社會和婚姻體制充滿了的取笑,你非要搞成血淚控訴幹啥? #柏林电影节#

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