血色婚礼 Blood Wedding
血色婚礼 Blood Wedding
血色婚礼 Blood Wedding-导演: 彼得·史密斯
血色婚礼 Blood Wedding-编剧: David Harsent
血色婚礼 Blood Wedding-电影类型: 悬疑 , 犯罪
血色婚礼 Blood Wedding-上映日期: 2008-05-10
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血色婚礼 Blood Wedding-电影剧情介绍

  Cully is finally getting married and Tom Barnaby is anxious to keep costs down as Joyce brings in a camp wedding planner. More dramatic is the union between aristocrat Ned Fitzroy and Beth Porteous when maid of honour Marina is found skewered to a wardrobe in one of the bedrooms. The Fitzroy family's lordly attitude does not help the investigation and then estate manager Robin ...

血色婚礼 Blood Wedding-评论

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  • 朝闻道夕死可矣

    朝闻道夕死可矣 2022-02-25 19:30:04

    一晃这么多季,cully都要结婚了!troy登场好惊喜,而且车技一如既往的差,这个梗无敌了哈哈哈 剧情中规中矩,上流社会的drama丑闻 话说某人从衣柜出来的时候真吓到我了🚬

  • Ginkgo

    Ginkgo 2021-10-25 20:14:40

    Saw all Midsomer Murders

  • 嘉嘉宝贝789

    嘉嘉宝贝789 2020-05-26 11:03:05

    Barnaby is anxious

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