2016:奥巴马的美利坚 2016: Obama's America
2016:奥巴马的美利坚 2016: Obama's America
2016:奥巴马的美利坚 2016: Obama's America-导演: Dinesh D'Souza, John Sullivan
2016:奥巴马的美利坚 2016: Obama's America-编剧:
2016:奥巴马的美利坚 2016: Obama's America-主演:
2016:奥巴马的美利坚 2016: Obama's America-电影类型: 纪录片
2016:奥巴马的美利坚 2016: Obama's America-上映日期: 2012-08-24
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2016:奥巴马的美利坚 2016: Obama's America-电影剧情介绍

  A documentary that examines the question, "If Barack Obama wins a second term, where will we be in 2016?"

2016:奥巴马的美利坚 2016: Obama's America-电影演员表

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