遊魂之地 La Terre des âmes errantes
遊魂之地 La Terre des âmes errantes
遊魂之地 La Terre des âmes errantes-导演: 潘礼德
遊魂之地 La Terre des âmes errantes-编剧: 潘礼德
遊魂之地 La Terre des âmes errantes-主演:
遊魂之地 La Terre des âmes errantes-电影类型: 纪录片
遊魂之地 La Terre des âmes errantes-上映日期: 2000-08-19
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遊魂之地 La Terre des âmes errantes-电影剧情介绍

  The film follows a Cambodian family as they work to dig a trench across Cambodia to lay the country's first optical fiber cable, depicting their hardships.
  At one point during their excavation, the workers uncover a killing field, a remnant of the genocidal purges of the Khmer Rouge.

遊魂之地 La Terre des âmes errantes-电影演员表

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遊魂之地 La Terre des âmes errantes-评论

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  • DarkStar

    DarkStar 2023-10-01 12:08:33


  • Nomis

    Nomis 2022-05-20 17:34:27

    The promise of infrastructure

  • adhitthana

    adhitthana 2022-02-05 14:06:54


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