骗子的故事 Le roman d'un tricheur
骗子的故事 Le roman d'un tricheur
骗子的故事 Le roman d'un tricheur-导演: 萨卡·圭特瑞
骗子的故事 Le roman d'un tricheur-编剧: 萨卡·圭特瑞
骗子的故事 Le roman d'un tricheur-电影类型: 喜剧
骗子的故事 Le roman d'un tricheur-上映日期: 1936-10-02
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骗子的故事 Le roman d'un tricheur-电影剧情介绍

  Life story of a charming scoundrel, with little dialogue other than the star/director's witty narration. As a boy, only he survives a family tragedy when he's deprived of supper (poisonous mushrooms!) for stealing...concluding that dishonesty pays. Through years of dabbling in crime and amusing adventures, two women appear and reappear in his life, a dazzling blonde jewel thief...

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