我,普京 Ich, Putin - Ein Portrait
我,普京 Ich, Putin - Ein Portrait
我,普京 Ich, Putin - Ein Portrait-导演: Hubert Seipel
我,普京 Ich, Putin - Ein Portrait-编剧: Hubert Seipel
我,普京 Ich, Putin - Ein Portrait-主演: 弗拉基米尔·普京 , Peter Bieringer , 乔治·W· 布什
我,普京 Ich, Putin - Ein Portrait-电影类型: 纪录片 , 传记
我,普京 Ich, Putin - Ein Portrait-上映日期: 2012-02-27(德国), 2012-03-01(奥地利), 2012-03-02(俄罗斯)
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我,普京 Ich, Putin - Ein Portrait-电影剧情介绍

  The West takes a critical stance towards Russia. Vladimir Putin's image of the West is a reflection of this. Being the most well-known Russian politician, he is at the same time also a favoured target of Western criticism. He has been a central figure after the fall of the Soviet Union, however, his publicity enables us to sophisticatedly depict Russia and its development durin...

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    已注銷 2021-06-05 13:51:34


  • Effy

    Effy 2021-02-12 09:14:08


  • LisaLeung

    LisaLeung 2020-07-20 15:13:43


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