冯齐(林申 饰)与比他大8岁的陈颜(朱俐颖 饰)邂逅在火车上,冯齐对她一见倾心,但离异且有一女儿的陈颜不置可否。后来,冯齐考上了军校,主动提出与陈颜建立恋爱关系,都遭陈屡屡拒绝。冯齐反而义无反顾地展开了爱情攻势,他想让陈颜重新树立起对爱情的信心,架不住冯齐多次热烈的表白,陈颜最终答应了冯齐的追求,甚至将女儿未来的前途都寄希望于这个比自已小的男人。当冯齐的父母得知自己的儿子找了一个年龄很大的拖油瓶,表示坚决反对,在多次与儿子沟通未果的情况下,他们找到部队的领导做他的工作,面对如山的压力,冯齐渐渐退缩了,不知该怎样去面对他曾经信誓旦旦的陈颜......
全部(51) >冯齐的忏悔 电影-相关推荐
忏悔 Confession
In a small Catholic boarding school an unspeakable act has been committed. When High School student, Luther Scott, confesses to Father Michael Kelly, Kelly is bound silent to the particulars of a grisly murder. Now, framed guilty by the desperate teen, Kelly must decide to keep his silence or throw away everything the priesthood holds sacred.
忏悔 Confession
分类: 惊悚片电影
One church, one priest, a wounded man and his loaded gun. An intense thriller played out in real time during one night where a vengeful confession must take place.
忏悔录 Le confessioni
The story revolves around a G8 meeting, held at a luxury hotel on the German coast, where the world’s most powerful economists are gathered to enact important provisions that will deeply influence the world economy.
One of the guests is a mysterious Italian monk (Servillo), invited by Daniel Rochè (Auteuil), the director of the International Monetary Fund. He wants the monk to ... -
真正的忏悔 True Confessions
故事发生在六十年代的美国洛杉矶,汤姆(罗伯特·杜瓦尔 Robert Duvall 饰)是一名侦探 ,一天,他去探望做神甫的弟弟德斯(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰),让汤姆没有想到的是
Panda的影音 2024-09-30 15:37:04
8月20日在豆瓣发现这部999人评价8.6高分的冷门国产片《冯齐的忏悔》,产生兴趣便纳入观影计划,25日打算观看时却在B站、爱奇艺、优酷、腾讯视频、1905电影网、百度等等都没搜到完整全片,上豆瓣讨论区一查才知道此片收录于电视剧《绝对隐私》,对应的是第九、十集。|冯齐:我一直就有一种感觉,我这个人很卑鄙,我做过卑鄙的事情。我是个军人,每天讲的都是责任感和道德,也是一个从农村出来的穷人家的孩子,农家的孩子是要讲不能背信弃义,然后忠厚老实。可我干什么?我没有跟任何人讲过这件事,放在心里特别压抑。我希望姐姐能看到你的书,我要让她明白,我要用一辈子来向她道歉,为她祝福。…… → 有的人没有信守承诺、做错了事情,会产生愧疚、良心不安;而有的人即使欺瞒撒谎、颠倒是非、乃至诈骗犯罪,依然能安心落意、毫无悔意、若无其事。……