危机:总统之诺 Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment
危机:总统之诺 Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment
危机:总统之诺 Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment-导演: 罗伯特·德鲁
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危机:总统之诺 Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment-电影类型: 纪录片
危机:总统之诺 Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment-上映日期: 1963
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危机:总统之诺 Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment-电影剧情介绍

  《危机: 总统承诺背后 Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment 1963》是部有意思纪录片. 制作于1963年。古迹比观众年纪都大。危机是指联邦政府对付阿拉巴马州长拦门阻挡黑人学生入学的较量。 总统承诺是指肯尼迪在危机解决后发表对黑人平权的承诺。本片主角四个人 罗伯特肯尼迪,华莱士州长和两个黑人学生. 主要是罗伯特为此事的策划。
  《危机: 总统承诺背后 Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment 1963》是50年前的纪录片,所以风格不同, 连里面的政治行事也不大相同,里面很有意思的是危机关头还让小孩和前方大将通话。

  Governor George Wallace will not let two black students into an Alabama school, against the wishes of President Kennedy. Loud shouts come from both sides of the issue as JFK stands by his decisions.

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