四角地带 Four Corners
四角地带 Four Corners
四角地带 Four Corners-导演: 詹姆斯·班宁
四角地带 Four Corners-编剧:
四角地带 Four Corners-主演:
四角地带 Four Corners-电影类型: 纪录片
四角地带 Four Corners-上映日期: 1997
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四角地带 Four Corners-电影剧情介绍

  "Sometimes dreams are wiser than waking." These words, attributed to the Oglala Sioux medicine man Black Elk, are the final bit of text to appear in veteran filmmaker James Benning's FOUR CORNERS which uses a specific geographic location to pose larger questions about the United States. Here, the geographic and wholly imaginary place Four Corners, that favorite tourist destinat...

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